Ten Ways You can Teach your kids to help Our Planet :
1: Teach your kids how to Recycle glass, plastics! Recycling is an important part of keeping Earth clean.
2: Teach your kids to plant a Tree. Trees help keep the air clean.
3: Teach your kids to Clean Up Trash. Create a compost pile for food scraps and plant waste from the garden. This is a good way to cut down on the amount of trash that goes into a landfill.
4: Teach your kids to turn off the faucet while they brush their teeth and use less water for their bath to Save Water.
5: Teach your kids to turn off the Lights to save energy.
6: Teach your kids how to finish every bite on their plate and save their leftovers.
7: Teach your kids how to be nice to the worms.
8: Teach your kids to use both sides of the paper to save trees.
9: Teach your kids to walk or ride a bicycle to school, the park, or the store. Kids can even encourage their parents to ride a bycycle to work or to share the car to work. This is a great way to help reduce the pollution created by cars, trucks, buses, trains, and airplanes.
10: Teach your kids to shut the refrigerator door to save energy.
Fun Activity:

By: http://blog.memetales.com
Very educative sharing on earth day..